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E.MAX® Laminate Veneer

1 h
250 £
Yeni Datça Yolu

Service Description

Composite vs Emax – what's the difference? Composite veneers are veneers made from resin material, a white composite filling material, the same used for composite bonding. Emax veneers are fabricated in a laboratory, carved out from a block of porcelain and hand painted to the desired shade. How long do Emax laminate veneers last? How long do Emax veneers last? Emax veneers usually last at least 15 years if they are well taken care of. That includes flossing and brushing every day. After that time, patients usually ask for them to be changed, purely for cosmetic reasons. Are E-max veneers good? Considered as the best porcelain-ceramic veneers on the market, Emax veneers are thinner, more durable, and offer a natural appearance with a slight translucency that make them look like that organic tooth. Because of their thinness, they are more flexible and adaptable, requiring trimming of the tooth to be covered. What is better Emax or porcelain veneers? E-max has a better light transmission and transparency, making it more appealing to those who are conscious of aesthetics. Emax Veneers allow more light to shine through, giving your teeth a more natural look.

Contact Details

  • Kemeraltı Mh., Yeni Datça Yolu No:5, Marmaris/Muğla, Türkiye

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    Tel: +90 506 641 46 48

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